How to Use Shiatsu for Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps are a response to a hormone that is released into the bloodstream during menstruation. Shiatsu helps to alleviate cramping and discomfort by calming the nervous system, relaxing muscle spasms in the uterus and promoting the smooth release of blood.
Things You'll Need:
Calcium Supplement
Heating Pads
Magnesium Supplement
Tennis Balls
Heating pads
Pressure Points for Menstrual Cramps
Press deeply into the lower abdomen four finger-widths below the belly button. Hold this point for five breaths to alleviate cramping and regulate sporadic periods.
Apply gentle pressure with small circular movements to the point on top of the foot where the two small bones meet between the big toe and second toe. This will relieve spasms of the uterus.
Cross your left ankle over your right knee and use your right thumb to find the point on the inside of your lower leg just behind the shinbone and three finger-widths above the inner anklebone. Press gently - this is often a very tender point.
Move up to the inner thigh area - about two inches above the knee - to relieve cramping and stagnation and to promote the smooth flow of blood.
Slide your finger out and away from the pronounced bump below your kneecap on the front of your knee until you are on a muscle between two bones of your lower leg. Massage and apply firm pressure to encourage softening of the muscle and to stimulate digestion, promote the release of blood, and relieve nausea.
Sacral Work and Relaxation
Lie on the floor with your hands in loose fists under your buttocks, your knees bent and your feet flat.
Use the knuckle of your middle finger to stimulate the area of your buttock just outside of the tailbone below the ridge of the hip.
Lower your pelvis onto your hands and allow the weight of your body to apply the pressure.
Slide your fists under your sacrum (tailbone) and lower your pelvis onto your knuckles. This will relieve lower back pain and the abdominal discomfort of menstruation.
Tips & Warnings
Placing your feet wider than your hips allows your knees to fall toward each other and prevents the strain of holding up your legs.
The weight and warmth of a hot water bottle provide additional comfort when placed on your lower abdomen to relieve cramping.
Tennis balls are a great tool for giving self-acupressure to your spine and sacrum. Tape two tennis balls together and place one on either side of the spine beneath your tailbone. Let the weight of your hips do the work!
Prior to using the tennis balls, consult with your physician and/or bodyworker if you have any old spinal injuries or a history of sciatica.
Menstrual cramps are a response to a hormone that is released into the bloodstream during menstruation. Shiatsu helps to alleviate cramping and discomfort by calming the nervous system, relaxing muscle spasms in the uterus and promoting the smooth release of blood.
Things You'll Need:
Calcium Supplement
Heating Pads
Magnesium Supplement
Tennis Balls
Heating pads
Pressure Points for Menstrual Cramps
Press deeply into the lower abdomen four finger-widths below the belly button. Hold this point for five breaths to alleviate cramping and regulate sporadic periods.
Apply gentle pressure with small circular movements to the point on top of the foot where the two small bones meet between the big toe and second toe. This will relieve spasms of the uterus.
Cross your left ankle over your right knee and use your right thumb to find the point on the inside of your lower leg just behind the shinbone and three finger-widths above the inner anklebone. Press gently - this is often a very tender point.
Move up to the inner thigh area - about two inches above the knee - to relieve cramping and stagnation and to promote the smooth flow of blood.
Slide your finger out and away from the pronounced bump below your kneecap on the front of your knee until you are on a muscle between two bones of your lower leg. Massage and apply firm pressure to encourage softening of the muscle and to stimulate digestion, promote the release of blood, and relieve nausea.
Sacral Work and Relaxation
Lie on the floor with your hands in loose fists under your buttocks, your knees bent and your feet flat.
Use the knuckle of your middle finger to stimulate the area of your buttock just outside of the tailbone below the ridge of the hip.
Lower your pelvis onto your hands and allow the weight of your body to apply the pressure.
Slide your fists under your sacrum (tailbone) and lower your pelvis onto your knuckles. This will relieve lower back pain and the abdominal discomfort of menstruation.
Tips & Warnings
Placing your feet wider than your hips allows your knees to fall toward each other and prevents the strain of holding up your legs.
The weight and warmth of a hot water bottle provide additional comfort when placed on your lower abdomen to relieve cramping.
Tennis balls are a great tool for giving self-acupressure to your spine and sacrum. Tape two tennis balls together and place one on either side of the spine beneath your tailbone. Let the weight of your hips do the work!
Prior to using the tennis balls, consult with your physician and/or bodyworker if you have any old spinal injuries or a history of sciatica.