How to Relieve Abdominal Pain Through Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a group of procedures which involves the stimulation of locations on or near the skin by a variety of techniques. The most common method of stimulation is through thin metal needles that are manipulated manually or with an electrical current. Acupuncture has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,500 years.
Perform acupuncture as described in a study appearing in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Chinese Medicine. This study found a technique that was overwhelmingly effective in treating abdominal pain.
Select the motor-sensory area for the leg as the main reference point. This point is 1 cm to the side of the midpoint of the head's midline and is about 3 cm long.
Insert a needle 40 mm long and .38 mm thick into the scalp at a 15-degree angle initially and then horizontally for its entire length. The needle is then rotated 15 times in less than five seconds.
Lift the needle out and perform Step 3 a total of three to five times. This treatment is provided on both sides of the head.
Expect a rapid and marked reduction in abdominal pain with this treatment in two-thirds of the cases.
Look at other studies on acupuncture for similar results. Acupuncture appears to be especially effective at relieving abdominal pain.
Acupuncture is a group of procedures which involves the stimulation of locations on or near the skin by a variety of techniques. The most common method of stimulation is through thin metal needles that are manipulated manually or with an electrical current. Acupuncture has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,500 years.
Perform acupuncture as described in a study appearing in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Chinese Medicine. This study found a technique that was overwhelmingly effective in treating abdominal pain.
Select the motor-sensory area for the leg as the main reference point. This point is 1 cm to the side of the midpoint of the head's midline and is about 3 cm long.
Insert a needle 40 mm long and .38 mm thick into the scalp at a 15-degree angle initially and then horizontally for its entire length. The needle is then rotated 15 times in less than five seconds.
Lift the needle out and perform Step 3 a total of three to five times. This treatment is provided on both sides of the head.
Expect a rapid and marked reduction in abdominal pain with this treatment in two-thirds of the cases.
Look at other studies on acupuncture for similar results. Acupuncture appears to be especially effective at relieving abdominal pain.