How to Relieve Abdominal Pain Through Acupuncture

How to Relieve Abdominal Pain Through Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a group of procedures which involves the stimulation of locations on or near the skin by a variety of techniques. The most common method of stimulation is through thin metal needles that are manipulated manually or with an electrical current. Acupuncture has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,500 years.


Perform acupuncture as described in a study appearing in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Chinese Medicine. This study found a technique that was overwhelmingly effective in treating abdominal pain.


Select the motor-sensory area for the leg as the main reference point. This point is 1 cm to the side of the midpoint of the head's midline and is about 3 cm long.


Insert a needle 40 mm long and .38 mm thick into the scalp at a 15-degree angle initially and then horizontally for its entire length. The needle is then rotated 15 times in less than five seconds.


Lift the needle out and perform Step 3 a total of three to five times. This treatment is provided on both sides of the head.


Expect a rapid and marked reduction in abdominal pain with this treatment in two-thirds of the cases.


Look at other studies on acupuncture for similar results. Acupuncture appears to be especially effective at relieving abdominal pain.

How to Relief Sinus Pressure and Allergies With a Neti Pot

How to Relief Sinus Pressure and Allergies With a Neti Pot

Use a Neti pot for sinus cleansing, to help relieve allergies and for sinus problems. A Neti pot is used with sea salt to wash out your sinus cavities. You can buy a Neti pot at your local pharmacy or drug store. They are also available online.

Things You'll Need:

Neti pot

Sea salt

Warm water


Stir a packet of sea salt into your Neti pot with warm or tepid tap water. If you don't have a packet included with your Neti pot, you can use a half of a teaspoon of sea salt or table salt. You don't want the water too cold or too hot, or it will burn your sinuses or give you a brain freeze.


Put the spout into your left nostril and lean over the sink. Do not have your head too high or below your shoulder level. Tilt your head to the right and start to slowly allow the warm salt water to flow through your nostril. If you are doing it properly, the water will start to flow through the right nostril. Let about half of the salt water flow through into the sink. Gently blow the excess out.


Repeat the procedure, applying the spout into the right nostril. After the rest of the salt water has passed through your left nostril, gently blow the excess out. If you do this in the morning and at night, you will notice a great improvement.

Tips & Warnings

Sinus cleansing also helps prevent infection and is very inexpensive.

Be careful not to use too much salt or it will burn your sinuses.

How to Release Stress Gently

How to Release Stress Gently

Stress is a problem for many people. They are often not aware that they can relieve stress without doing something negative to themselves or others. At times, people turn to alcohol or drugs to calm their nerves, but there are many ways to release stress without drinking or doing drugs.


Figure out why you are so stressed. Stress could be work related, caused by another person, or maybe you are overwhelmed by a relationship.


Find a quiet place to relax. This could be anywhere in your home, such as the bedroom, on the couch in the living room, or it could be sitting outside listening to the sounds of nature.


Settle in comfortably once you've found your relaxation spot. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and count to five. Release the breath slowly, by counting to five again. Repeat this 3 times, and you'll feel begin to feel relaxed.


Find relaxing music to listen to. Music has been shown to be relaxing to a lot of people. Gather particular items that make you happy, such as pictures of loved ones or souvenirs from trips, and take a trip down memory lane. Thinking about good times you've had can also be relaxing and put a smile on your face.


Laugh. Laughter has been found to relieve stress in many people, and it is difficult to be tense while laughing. Laughter reduces tension in the muscles, and it helps to add more oxygen to the blood.

How to Release Endorphins With Reflexology

How to Release Endorphins With Reflexology

Reflexology is a system of mapping the reflexes of the entire body on the feet, although the hands and ears are sometimes used as well. Endorphins are natural pain killers that can be released by the brain under certain circumstances. The following steps will show how to release endorphins with reflexology.


Complete a preliminary consultation with the reflexologist. You will fill out a health history form and consent form at your first reflexology session. You also will discuss the general condition of your feet and any specific areas of pain.


Sit in a comfortable chair and extend your feet in a relaxed position. A recliner is preferred and many reflexologists have a special "zero gravity" recliner that places the client at the correct height and position.


Remove your socks and shoes so the reflexologist can examine your feet. You will receive a warm footbath with aromatic mineral salts. This should relax you and prepare your feet for the reflexology session.


Start with the right foot and warm up with a light, mild lotion that eventually will become non-slippery. The reflexologist will work a series of reflex points on your foot using the right amount of pressure for your comfort level. Any sensitive or tender points should be noted for later work.


Repeat this process with the left foot and spend additional time working any areas that were previously noted as sensitive. This session should release endorphins into your bloodstream, leaving you clear-headed and relaxed.

How to Relax

How to Relax

As each year goes by, it seems life moves faster and you are busier and busier. You may find yourself yearning for simpler times, when some of your happiest days were spent doing very little or nothing, just lazing by the pool. It may get harder to find times that are that uncomplicated, now that we have so much technology (cell
, computers). It is rare for people to spend much time alone. But there is something in the human soul that requires silent recharging. If you've been yearning for a little quiet time, here are some ideas for how you can easily find it, and relax.


Nature is the ultimate relaxant. If you can't get outside for a walk, or to sit in the sun for ten minutes a day, try looking out the window at a tree, or a bird or a bee flying around. When you are in nature, don't do anything else. Just observe and enjoy.


Put yourself somewhere that is relaxing to you. A nice hot bath with a book might be bliss for one person, tickets to a basketball game might be relaxing for the next. Find something that relaxes you and tunes out your rational mind.


Meditate. Find a quiet spot in your house or outside and sit on a blanket. Try tuning out everything and letting the sounds flow in and around you. Let your mind chatter on. If you meditate often enough, your mind will learn to be quiet and you will relax.


When you are with friends, or at school or at work and in the middle of very fun or busy times, step back and just listen for a minute or two. Let everything happen around you. It will give your body time to take a breather and you might see that you don't have to try so hard to achieve the same affect. You could find an easier rhythm for yourself, with these simple internal breaks for recharging.


Spend time with your pet. Your blood pressure goes down when you stroke an animal's fur. Enjoy it.

How to Relax Your Body in Self Hypnosis

How to Relax Your Body in Self Hypnosis

Learning to relax your body is the first step in achieving the total focus and concentration necessary for successful self hypnosis. With practice, you will learn to let go of stress, relax your entire body and enter into an altered state of mind where many things are possible.


Settle into a comfortable chair in a quiet, uninterrupted place. Turn on some quiet, peaceful music if you like.


Close your eyes and relax for a few minutes, breathing deeply.


Concentrate on each area of your body one area at a time, beginning with the muscles around your eyes. Focus on relaxing the muscles for several seconds, as you continue to inhale and exhale deeply through your nose.


Move your concentration to your nose for several seconds, then to your jaw and chin, relaxing each muscle slowly.


Relax your shoulders, upper arms, forearms, hands and fingers.


Direct your attention back up to your chest area. Move your focus down your body slowly, relaxing your stomach, hips, thighs, knees, lower legs, feet and toes. Imagine your entire body being completely relaxed.

Tips & Warnings

Your self hypnosis session can be as long as you like, but 15 to 25 minutes spent practicing relaxation and self hypnosis techniques is very beneficial.

If you find it difficult to relax, keep practicing, and in time it will get easier. Use visualization techniques if you find them helpful. For example, imagine yourself laying on a warm beach or by a mountain stream.

How to Relax Using the Feather Method

How to Relax Using the Feather Method

The feather method is a way of relaxing that allows you to maintain your muscles in a relaxed state by focusing your mind on the feel and process of your breathing. Using an imaginary feather focuses your attention so your mind does not wander or cause you to tense.


Lie on your back in a relaxing position. Close your eyes.


Breathe normally. Focus your attention on the top of your head. Relax your scalp until you feel as if bone and muscle are "melting" into the floor. Once the scalp is relaxed, move your focus to your eyes. Continue to your nose, ears, mouth and chin. Move down the length of your body. Relax each area of the body before moving to the next area.


Imagine a feather is sitting right under your nose.


Breathe in slowly through your nose but be careful not to disturb the feather. Breathe in deeply and evenly while slowly expanding your diaphragm. Fill your stomach with air and then fill your chest with air.


Focus your attention strictly on the feel and process of your breathing.


Fill the stomach and chest cavities completely with air until you cannot breathe in any further.


Hold the air in your body for a few seconds.


Imagine the feather now sits on your upper lip.


Breathe out through your mouth, slowly and evenly. Be careful not to disturb the feather.


Repeat this process for approximately 15 minutes. Focus your attention only on the flow of breath into and out of your body.

How to Relax Tired Muscles

How to Relax Tired Muscles

Our society is constantly on a dead run and at times we find our muscles sore and tired. We try to find remedies to help with the sore muscles such as, hot baths, heating pads, and massage. hat if you could learn how to completely relax tired muscles without having to apply something to the body? It is possible to do this through relaxation techniques. Here's how.


Make sure you have turned off the phone, television, radio, and anything else that can cause distraction. Lie down on whatever you have chosen as a comfortable place.


Breathd in through the nose and out of the mouth 3 times. Work from your head down to each body part.


As you reach the body part you want to relax feel that body part becoming heavy, allow the muscles to let go of their normal posture. Continue to breathe normally. Tell yourself that your body is weightless and feel the tension leaving.


Repeat step 3 with each body part until you feel completely relaxed.

Tips & Warnings

This relaxation method is best used when you have more than 15 minutes to spare.

How to Relax In Five Minutes

How to Relax In Five Minutes

Relaxation has benefits that help you emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is the kindest five minutes you can give yourself. Follow these easy steps of relaxation techniques for a two-sided result; you can use it for a fast rejuvenation to get back to work or as a precursor to sleep. People have learned this technique from many sources but this one specifically comes from self-hypnosis therapist Dick Sutphen. Read on to learn more.

How To Relax In Five Minutes


You will mentally tell your body to relax one part at a time. Envision a relaxing power that can move throughout your body at your command. Internal dialogue plays an important role so "talk" to yourself silently as you move through the steps. Concentrate on each body part and should any outside thoughts some into your mind, simply brush them aside.


Begin by lying on your back in a comfortable position. Concentrate on your feet first. Tell the relaxing power to enter your feet, both feet at the same time. The relaxing sensation travels down your arches and into your heels. Tell the relaxing power to move to your lower legs, relaxing the calves as you go. It wraps around your knees and moves up into your upper legs and hips, relaxing every muscle as you go.


Now have the relaxing sensation move into both hands at the same time, relaxing your fingers and wrists as it goes. Have the relaxing power move into your forearms, elbows and upper arms. Travel slowly and methodically to each body part.


Center the relaxing sensation in your lower back now. Slowly, one vertebra at a time it moves up your back into your neck and shoulder area. Think of nothing except what you are doing at this exact moment. Push any outside thoughts out of your mind. Simply return to the sound of your own voice commanding the relaxing power to certain areas. You should be feeling quite relaxed at this point.


Send the relaxing sensation to your neck and shoulder area and tell your muscles that they are now loose and limp. Repeat it. Loose and limp.


The relaxing power now moves up the back of your head and to your scalp; relaxing your scalp. And it now drains down into your face, relaxing your facial muscles as it goes. Allow a little space between your teeth and your throat is relaxed.

You are now relaxed in every way, every part of your entire body. You can now sleep soundly or come out of it feeling refreshed and ready for your next task.

How to Relax Eye Muscles in Self Hypnosis

How to Relax Eye Muscles in Self Hypnosis

Once you learn the basic techniques of self hypnosis, your awareness can be directed to making changes in your life. Learning to relax every part of your body is the first step in successful self hypnosis. Because the eyes muscles are the easiest muscle group to relax, they are a great place to begin.


Prepare for your relaxation and self hypnosis session by locating a peaceful place where you won't be interrupted for several minutes.


Sit in a comfortable chair in a relaxed position. Put your hands in your lap or rest them on the arms of the chair. Don't cross your legs or feet.


Begin deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose and feel your stomach muscles rise as your diaphragm fills like a balloon. Exhale slowly through your nose, focusing on deflating the balloon.


Close your eyes and concentrate completely on the muscles around your eyes. Tell yourself that you are in full charge of your eye muscles.


Imagine that your eye muscles are so relaxed and heavy, you can't open them. As you practice increasing your focus and you enter a state of self hypnosis, you'll actually find it difficult to open your eyes.


Practice relaxing your eye muscles for a few minutes, and then allow your eyes to slowly open. Continue to breathe deeply as you continue to relax the other muscle groups of your body.

How to Use Shiatsu for Menstrual Cramps

How to Use Shiatsu for Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are a response to a hormone that is released into the bloodstream during menstruation. Shiatsu helps to alleviate cramping and discomfort by calming the nervous system, relaxing muscle spasms in the uterus and promoting the smooth release of blood.

Things You'll Need:

Calcium Supplement

Heating Pads

Magnesium Supplement

Tennis Balls

Heating pads

Pressure Points for Menstrual Cramps


Press deeply into the lower abdomen four finger-widths below the belly button. Hold this point for five breaths to alleviate cramping and regulate sporadic periods.


Apply gentle pressure with small circular movements to the point on top of the foot where the two small bones meet between the big toe and second toe. This will relieve spasms of the uterus.


Cross your left ankle over your right knee and use your right thumb to find the point on the inside of your lower leg just behind the shinbone and three finger-widths above the inner anklebone. Press gently - this is often a very tender point.


Move up to the inner thigh area - about two inches above the knee - to relieve cramping and stagnation and to promote the smooth flow of blood.


Slide your finger out and away from the pronounced bump below your kneecap on the front of your knee until you are on a muscle between two bones of your lower leg. Massage and apply firm pressure to encourage softening of the muscle and to stimulate digestion, promote the release of blood, and relieve nausea.

Sacral Work and Relaxation


Lie on the floor with your hands in loose fists under your buttocks, your knees bent and your feet flat.


Use the knuckle of your middle finger to stimulate the area of your buttock just outside of the tailbone below the ridge of the hip.


Lower your pelvis onto your hands and allow the weight of your body to apply the pressure.


Slide your fists under your sacrum (tailbone) and lower your pelvis onto your knuckles. This will relieve lower back pain and the abdominal discomfort of menstruation.

Tips & Warnings

Placing your feet wider than your hips allows your knees to fall toward each other and prevents the strain of holding up your legs.

The weight and warmth of a hot water bottle provide additional comfort when placed on your lower abdomen to relieve cramping.

Tennis balls are a great tool for giving self-acupressure to your spine and sacrum. Tape two tennis balls together and place one on either side of the spine beneath your tailbone. Let the weight of your hips do the work!

Prior to using the tennis balls, consult with your physician and/or bodyworker if you have any old spinal injuries or a history of sciatica.

How to Use Shiatsu for Golfer's Elbow

How to Use Shiatsu for Golfer's Elbow

Golfer's elbow is a chronic repetitive strain injury that causes inflammation and tearing of the forearm tendons at their point of attachment on the inner elbow. Shiatsu uses finger pressure to release tension in the muscles and tendons, thereby, reducing the inflammation and swelling in the tissues and alleviating pain. Circulation and the flow of energy in the arm and hand is improved as the symptoms of golfer's elbow disappear.


Stimulate the point located on the backside of your upper arm one finger width above the tip of the elbow to relieve pain and stiffness in the elbow.


Strengthen and relax the tendons of the forearm and elbow to alleviate pain by applying firm steady pressure to the point between the 2 bones on the outer forearm, 2 finger widths above the crease of the wrist.

Tips & Warnings

Immobilize the joint with an arm strap or a forearm support band to provide stability, support, and rest for the tendons.

Anti-inflammatory medications, ie. advil, motrin or aspirin, are helpful to decrease swelling and ease the pain. Consult your physician.

Apply ice packs to your elbow for 20 minute intervals, 4 to 6 times per day, to reduce pain and inflammation.

Warm up your elbow and surrounding muscles for 5 - 10 minutes prior to activities.

Symptoms manifest as tenderness on the inner elbow with pain radiating down the forearm to the wrist. Marked weakness in the wrist is common and simple movements, such as turning your palm down or flexing your wrist, may cause pain. Consult with a physician if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Rest is one of the most important components to reduce stress on inflammed tissues. Continued stress to the joint and tendons can lead to a more serious injury.

Avoid Step #3 if you are pregnant!

How to Look Like Mischa Barton

How to Look Like Mischa Barton

Mischa Barton is a Hollywood "it" girl when it comes to fashion choices. The statuesque
knows how to work with her classic features and turn heads on the red carpet. Look like Mischa Barton by following this guide.


Take good care of your skin. Mischa represents Neutrogena skin care products and uses their products for sensitive skin to prevent breakouts. Protect pale skin by regularly applying sun block when outside.


Focus on the quality of your makeup not quantity. Mischa rocks a natural understated look to best show off her classic facial features. Use neutral colors for checks and eyes, and soft pinks or browns to show off lips.


Try Mischa's face framing hairstyle. Her hair color varies between brown and blond color but the length is kept below shoulder length. Long layers frame the face with side swept bangs. Dry hair with styling mouse and blow dry to achieve the simple look, and curl with a large barrel iron to get Mischa's tumbling curls.


Shop Mischa's fashion styles. She tends to mix and match pieces for unique looks. Shop vintage clothing as well as designer fashions. Mischa is often spotted wearing skinny jeans, floral patterns and the layered look with leggings.


Look for flats. Wear lots of flat heels, even for after-five events. Vintage sneakers are a favorite as well as Ked's, which Mischa endorses.


Keep accessories to a minimum. Shy away from flashy jewelry and stick with simple pieces. Use designer handbags and sunglasses to compliment her style.


Develop healthy habits. Mischa Barton has admitted in the past that she doesn't exercise, however, she takes the time to run with her
. Watch what you eat and drink juice like Mischa to get the recommended serving of vegetables and drink plenty of water.

How to Look Like Megan Fox

How to Look Like Megan Fox

Megan Fox is the
who stole the spotlight in "Transformers", and she shines on the red carpet. Although she prefers to dress on the casual side, she knows how to show a little skin in a killer dress. Looking like Megan Fox won't be easy, but if you pull it off, men will be drooling all over you.


Join a gym. Megan Fox is incredibly fit and shows a lot of skin, so you'll want to be as in shape as she is. Do a combination of cardio and strength exercises and try Pilates to maintain that long, lean look.


Tan yourself. Lay out in the sun or go to a tanning bed or fake one if you're worried about

. Apply tanning lotion evenly all over your body or go get a Mystic Tan for a fake tan that will last for days and be perfectly even.


Grow your hair long or get extensions. Dye it dark brown. Go to a salon and have it professionally done or do it at home. Since Megan Fox has dark brown hair, you can do it pretty simply yourself.


Style your

by parting it down the middle and blow-drying it straight with a round brush to give it volume. Curl the ends of your hair into loose waves. Throw your head back and forth a few times to give yourself a messy, "bed head" look.


Apply a light foundation and bronzer to your face. Line your entire eye with black eyeliner and apply mascara. Use light-colored, shimmery eye shadow to bring our your blue eyes. If you don't have blue or at least green eyes, consider getting colored contacts, because Megan Fox has very blue eyes.


Wear jeans most of the time with tight t-shirts or tank tops that show off your toned midriff. Slip on a sleeveless, low-cut, short dress in red, pink, white or black. Wear sneakers, tall boots or sandals with your jeans or very high heels with your dress. Carry a messenger bag for everyday and a small clutch with your evening dress.


Visit a tattoo artist and get tattoos like Megan Fox. She has a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe on her arm, her boyfriend's name on her hip and a poem on her back. Use her tattoos as inspiration for your own. She wrote the poem on her back, so write your own and have it tattooed somewhere on your body.

How to Look Like Liza Minelli

How to Look Like Liza Minelli

Liza Minnelli is an icon in the entertainment business, so if you want to look like her, you'd better do it right. You can easily capture her hairstyle, makeup and clothing, but her fabulous attitude will be more elusive.


Dye your hair black. Liza Minnelli goes to Adee Phelan, but you can make do with your own hometown salon. Buy the hair dye and
do it

at home, to go an even cheaper route.


Style your

. Minnelli's black helmet of hair made popular by Cabaret was nicknamed "the urchin." Have your hairstylist cut your hair very short so it lays flat on the head, with a lot of layers to give it texture. Use product to make the layers stick out a bit and give it that Liza Minnelli look.


Apply your makeup. Liza Minnelli was famous for her long, thick eyelashes, so line your eyes with black or charcoal eyeliner and put on heavy mascara. Apply concealer and a light blush. Finish the look by lining your lips and putting on the same shade lipstick.


Slip on a gorgeous dress. Liza's not afraid of color, so don't hesitate to slip on a sparkly red gown. Wear a sleeveless dress if you're going for Liza's younger look, or a more modest dress with sleeves or a jacket for her older look.


Go casual with a simple pants suit. Liza Minnelli would never been seen in public in jeans and a t-shirt, even when she's at her most casual. Buy a couple of pants suits in a variety of colors. Wear a simple camisole under the fitted jacket and tailor the pants so they fit you perfectly.


Accessorize. Wear lots of diamonds, or if you can't afford diamonds, cubic zarconia is your new best friend. Wrap a scarf around your neck that matches your outfit and carry a small handbag, like a clutch.


Slip on a pair of low heels, like kitten heels with a peep toe. Wear black, brown or match the shoes to your dress.

Tips & Warnings

If you want to be really extravagant, buy some fake black eyelashes to apply before your evening out as Liza.

How to Look Like Lindsay Lohan

How to Look Like Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan has grown up before our very eyes, and she's become something of a fashion icon. She's not afraid to take risks and carries her own sense of style very far. To rock this look, you'll not only need to be fashion-forward, but a bit fearless, as well.


Shop at some of Lindsay Lohan's favorite Beverly Hills stores, like Barney's or Rumor. She's not particular to any one designer, so you can feel free to buy a variety of different things since she's not afraid to wear anything. Look for cheaper knock-offs if you can't afford Jimmy Choo shoes or a Valentino dress. Bluefly is a good place online to shop for cheap, designer fashion if you don't live in Beverly Hills.


Slip on some leggings. When Lindsay Lohan is spotted by the paparazzi, she's almost always wearing a pair of stretch leggings. She loves them so much, she's even creating her own line. Buy them plentifully and in lots of colors, although Lindsay favors black.


Pair your leggings with some tall boots or ballet flats and a long, loose button-down shirt or sweater in black, gray or white. If you're feeling adventurous, throw on a brightly-colored Marc Jacobs, Versace or Chanel dress over your leggings and finish the outfit with some Jimmy Choo heels in any color.


Dye your hair blond or red. Lindsay Lohan is known to sport both, so pick whichever looks better with your

. Only the best stylists touch Lindsay Lohan's hair, but for a more affordable option, you can dye your hair yourself at home. Try some extensions if your hair isn't as long as Lindsay's, whose hair goes halfway down her back at its longest.


Style your

. Lindsay usually wears her hair down, with soft, feminine waves. Part your hair very far over on one side with your bangs hanging over your forehead. Pull all your hair, except your bangs, back in a barrette or ponytail for a more casual look. She's also been known to wear it super straight, so invest in a flat iron to achieve this look.


Copy Lindsay Lohan's make up, starting with a light foundation. Apply powder that matches your foundation and put light pink blush on the apples of your cheeks. Use a sheer eye shadow and brown or black eyeliner and mascara. Instead of lipstick, use a pink or berry lip gloss.


Accessorize with a big bag by Balenciaga or Louis Vuitton, silver, jangly bracelets, and big, hoop earrings. Buy large, hobo bags in bright colors or with a simple pattern at department stores if you can't afford the designer bags. A clutch goes well with Lindsay's look if you're planning a night out.

Tips & Warnings

Buy a pair of black sunglasses by Chanel or Christian Dior. The bigger they are, the better.

How to Look Like Lara Croft From the Angel of Darkness

How to Look Like Lara Croft From the Angel of Darkness

The fictional, action-loving archaeologist known as Lara Croft has made a huge impact on the gaming world, and even holds a Guinness World record for "most successful human video game heroine." Wherever her adventures may lead her, Lara Croft has a trademark outfit and look for any occasion.


Wear your hair in a long, dark braid or plait. Release a few wispy strands from the front to frame your forehead. If you don't have hair that's naturally dark or long, add a clip-on/tie-in





minimal and add a few smudges of dark makeup on your cheekbones to simulate tomb dust.


Show your midriff. Lara shows-off her toned, tomb-raiding tummy with dark t-shirts and tank tops that stop just short of her navel.


Rock a pair of fingerless gloves. If you don't have a pair, just cut the fingers off some old or inexpensive black gloves.


Liberate your legs in short-shorts, and keep them armed with a gun holster.


Top off your outfit with dark-colored boots and a bit of white sock peeking out from the top.


Strike a pose. Lara Croft is typically pictured with her arms slightly behind her hips; with both hands clasped around a gun; or with a gun in each hand.

Tips & Warnings

There's no need to splurge when it comes to this outfit as long as you pick the right stores. Scope out the drug store or dollar store instead of a salon for a hair extension, and check out the toy section of stores instead of purchasing an actual holster.

If you do have an actual gun as an accessory, don't keep it loaded--for obvious reasons.

How to Look Like Lady Sovereign

How to Look Like Lady Sovereign

Lady Sovereign, the infamous English rapper, takes a masculine look and makes it look feminine. She's tiny, but tough, and still manages to look beautiful without trying very hard. Pulling off her look will be simple if you follow just a few simple steps.


Grow your hair long or get extensions. Lady Sovereign has hair halfway down her back. Dye your hair dark brown and get it cut into long layers.


Braid tiny braids above your right temple, all the way to the ends of your hair. Pull all of your hair, including the braids, back into a side ponytail and secure it with a simple hair band.


Buy an Adidas track suit, one size too big. Lady Sovereign favors bright colors, so buy one in bright orange, red or yellow. Get an Adidas lanyard and wear it around your neck.


Wear jeans, not too tight, and a t-shirt with a funky design on it. Put a brightly colored polo shirt under your t-shirt for another look. Buy a simple chain, thread it through some keys and hang them around your neck. Throw a red, green or orange hoodie or track jacket on over everything.


Slip on some sneakers. Buy big basketball shoes and leave them unlaced and sticking out from the hem of your pant legs. Get dark-colored shoes, like black or navy blue.


Accessorize with a gold ring with real or fake diamonds around the edges on the middle finger of your right hand. Lady Sovereign doesn't really wear any other jewelry, just the ring.


Put on a bit of makeup, although Lady Sovereign doesn't wear much. Heavily line your eyes with blue, charcoal or black eyeliner and smudge it a big so it looks messy. Wear bronze eyeshadow and keep your eyebrows thick, but groomed. Finish your makeup look with some berry or pink lip gloss.

How to Look Like Kristin Cavallari

How to Look Like Kristin Cavallari

Kristin Cavallari first exploded onto the small screen when she was a co-star in the MTV reality show "Laguna Beach: The Real OC." Kristin has been a style icon for young women ever since her "Laguna" days. Kristin Cavallari has a look that can be easily duplicated by young women everywhere. Kristin has a beach-girl style and a laid back attitude to go with it.


Dye your hair a golden blond hue. Justin Anderson from the Neil George salon in Beverly Hills says he adds, "three shades of blond, ranging from a warm golden highlight throughout the back and a buttery blond shade through the top, and finally framing her face with bold baby blond highlight." To look like Kristin, have hair heavily layered and create bangs that are about chin length. Use a larger barrel

and large hot rollers to create sexy waves. Try to find a high-end salon in your area to have this look duplicated.


Do makeup to look like Kristin's famous look in a Bebe modeling shoot. Justin Anderson applied a black eyeliner to line her eyes. Justin used Bobbi Brown, but a more economical choice would be Wet 'N Wild. Kristin also wore a shimmering eye shadow. Try to duplicate Kristin's look with a light brown eye shadow. Complete the beach-babe look by applying foundation, mascara and a natural lip gloss.


Dress like Kristin Cavallari by wearing her favorite designers. Some of Kristin's favorites are Oliver Peoples, Asha Couture Swim and Joe's Jeans. Kristin is also a huge fan of bling, so she often wears White Trash Charms and Danielle Stevens Jewelry.

How to Look Like Kimora Lee Simmons

How to Look Like Kimora Lee Simmons

Kimora Lee Simmons was a muse for clothing designer Kurt Lagerfeld, so why wouldn't anyone want to look like her. The 6-foot
has her own fashion line and sense of style. If you can copy her clothes, makeup and hair, maybe one day you can copy her success.


Dye your hair completely black. Grow it long, about halfway down your back, or go to a salon and get extensions. Cut your hair in long layers and part it down one side with long bangs hanging over your forehead.


Style your

. Use a curling iron to make big, loose curls in your hair, or make your hair super straight and glossy with a flat iron and some shine serum.


Do your makeup. Apply bronzer, a hint of blush and some super shiny lipgloss. Line your eyes with heavy black eyeliner and apply a couple coats of mascara. Use a shimmery nude or bronze color for your eyeshadow.


Whiten your teeth. Use white strips you can buy at the store or have it professionally done at the dentist's office. Go tanning to give your skin a warm glow and make your white teeth stand out even more.


Wear clothing from Kimora Lee Simmons' fashion line, Baby Phat. Slip on some hip-hugging jeans with one of her signature Baby Phat tees. Wear high heels with everything, and put on a fitted, black or white jacket over your outfit.


Slide into a Chanel dress for more upscale, red carpet events. Go for something super slinky and form-fitting, in red, yellow or black. Find one that's sleeveless and wear a pashmina over it. Wear stiletto heels to make yourself even taller.


Accessorize with a giant hobo bag with more casual outfits, or a tiny clutch with fancier outfits. Wear big diamonds in all your jewelry, even if they're fake. Pull your long hair up with colored barrettes and wear giant, dark sunglasses--the bigger the better.

Tips & Warnings

Wear fake eyelashes instead of just mascara for a fun look for a night out on the town.

How to Look Like Jessica Alba While Pregnant

How to Look Like Jessica Alba While Pregnant

Consistently voted one of the sexiest women in the world and one of the best dressed, Jessica Alba is best known for her roles on television and in movies. Many people wondered how she'd adapt her red carpet style to her
. Alba responded by going for glamor on the red carpet and low-key sex appeal throughout the day.


Mix casual pieces with more formal pieces to create a unique look. During her pregnancy Alba loved wearing long dresses with comfortable shirts thrown over top as a jacket.


Accessorize with comfortable flip-flops and oversized sunglasses. Jessica used the summer classic footwear to keep her feet comfortable and then topped off her look with designer shades.


Pick empire waists whenever possible. Alba wore empire waist dresses not only on the red carpet and for the Oscars but also picked them for daytime attire. The cut emphasizes your baby bump while making the rest of your body look slimmer.


Choose halter neck dresses during your pregnancy for a completely different look just like Alba did. It draws attention to your upper body--your great-looking arms and chest--instead of drawing attention onto your bigger lower half.


Toss on a scarf when you need to accessorize your outfit at the last minute. In the early stages of her pregnancy Alba hid her bump by strategically draping the scarf around her waist and later used scarves to emphasize the bump.


Opt for clothing in bright colors and jewel-toned hues. Whether on the red carpet or shopping for the baby, Alba picked brighter tones rather than dark colors.


Look for clothing with a V-neck and other styles that show off your chest. During her pregnancy Jessica Alba often wore low-cut tops to draw attention to her bust.