How to Relieve Abdominal Pain Through Acupuncture

How to Relieve Abdominal Pain Through Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a group of procedures which involves the stimulation of locations on or near the skin by a variety of techniques. The most common method of stimulation is through thin metal needles that are manipulated manually or with an electrical current. Acupuncture has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,500 years.


Perform acupuncture as described in a study appearing in the February 2000 issue of the Journal of Chinese Medicine. This study found a technique that was overwhelmingly effective in treating abdominal pain.


Select the motor-sensory area for the leg as the main reference point. This point is 1 cm to the side of the midpoint of the head's midline and is about 3 cm long.


Insert a needle 40 mm long and .38 mm thick into the scalp at a 15-degree angle initially and then horizontally for its entire length. The needle is then rotated 15 times in less than five seconds.


Lift the needle out and perform Step 3 a total of three to five times. This treatment is provided on both sides of the head.


Expect a rapid and marked reduction in abdominal pain with this treatment in two-thirds of the cases.


Look at other studies on acupuncture for similar results. Acupuncture appears to be especially effective at relieving abdominal pain.

How to Relief Sinus Pressure and Allergies With a Neti Pot

How to Relief Sinus Pressure and Allergies With a Neti Pot

Use a Neti pot for sinus cleansing, to help relieve allergies and for sinus problems. A Neti pot is used with sea salt to wash out your sinus cavities. You can buy a Neti pot at your local pharmacy or drug store. They are also available online.

Things You'll Need:

Neti pot

Sea salt

Warm water


Stir a packet of sea salt into your Neti pot with warm or tepid tap water. If you don't have a packet included with your Neti pot, you can use a half of a teaspoon of sea salt or table salt. You don't want the water too cold or too hot, or it will burn your sinuses or give you a brain freeze.


Put the spout into your left nostril and lean over the sink. Do not have your head too high or below your shoulder level. Tilt your head to the right and start to slowly allow the warm salt water to flow through your nostril. If you are doing it properly, the water will start to flow through the right nostril. Let about half of the salt water flow through into the sink. Gently blow the excess out.


Repeat the procedure, applying the spout into the right nostril. After the rest of the salt water has passed through your left nostril, gently blow the excess out. If you do this in the morning and at night, you will notice a great improvement.

Tips & Warnings

Sinus cleansing also helps prevent infection and is very inexpensive.

Be careful not to use too much salt or it will burn your sinuses.

How to Release Stress Gently

How to Release Stress Gently

Stress is a problem for many people. They are often not aware that they can relieve stress without doing something negative to themselves or others. At times, people turn to alcohol or drugs to calm their nerves, but there are many ways to release stress without drinking or doing drugs.


Figure out why you are so stressed. Stress could be work related, caused by another person, or maybe you are overwhelmed by a relationship.


Find a quiet place to relax. This could be anywhere in your home, such as the bedroom, on the couch in the living room, or it could be sitting outside listening to the sounds of nature.


Settle in comfortably once you've found your relaxation spot. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and count to five. Release the breath slowly, by counting to five again. Repeat this 3 times, and you'll feel begin to feel relaxed.


Find relaxing music to listen to. Music has been shown to be relaxing to a lot of people. Gather particular items that make you happy, such as pictures of loved ones or souvenirs from trips, and take a trip down memory lane. Thinking about good times you've had can also be relaxing and put a smile on your face.


Laugh. Laughter has been found to relieve stress in many people, and it is difficult to be tense while laughing. Laughter reduces tension in the muscles, and it helps to add more oxygen to the blood.

How to Release Endorphins With Reflexology

How to Release Endorphins With Reflexology

Reflexology is a system of mapping the reflexes of the entire body on the feet, although the hands and ears are sometimes used as well. Endorphins are natural pain killers that can be released by the brain under certain circumstances. The following steps will show how to release endorphins with reflexology.


Complete a preliminary consultation with the reflexologist. You will fill out a health history form and consent form at your first reflexology session. You also will discuss the general condition of your feet and any specific areas of pain.


Sit in a comfortable chair and extend your feet in a relaxed position. A recliner is preferred and many reflexologists have a special "zero gravity" recliner that places the client at the correct height and position.


Remove your socks and shoes so the reflexologist can examine your feet. You will receive a warm footbath with aromatic mineral salts. This should relax you and prepare your feet for the reflexology session.


Start with the right foot and warm up with a light, mild lotion that eventually will become non-slippery. The reflexologist will work a series of reflex points on your foot using the right amount of pressure for your comfort level. Any sensitive or tender points should be noted for later work.


Repeat this process with the left foot and spend additional time working any areas that were previously noted as sensitive. This session should release endorphins into your bloodstream, leaving you clear-headed and relaxed.

How to Relax

How to Relax

As each year goes by, it seems life moves faster and you are busier and busier. You may find yourself yearning for simpler times, when some of your happiest days were spent doing very little or nothing, just lazing by the pool. It may get harder to find times that are that uncomplicated, now that we have so much technology (cell
, computers). It is rare for people to spend much time alone. But there is something in the human soul that requires silent recharging. If you've been yearning for a little quiet time, here are some ideas for how you can easily find it, and relax.


Nature is the ultimate relaxant. If you can't get outside for a walk, or to sit in the sun for ten minutes a day, try looking out the window at a tree, or a bird or a bee flying around. When you are in nature, don't do anything else. Just observe and enjoy.


Put yourself somewhere that is relaxing to you. A nice hot bath with a book might be bliss for one person, tickets to a basketball game might be relaxing for the next. Find something that relaxes you and tunes out your rational mind.


Meditate. Find a quiet spot in your house or outside and sit on a blanket. Try tuning out everything and letting the sounds flow in and around you. Let your mind chatter on. If you meditate often enough, your mind will learn to be quiet and you will relax.


When you are with friends, or at school or at work and in the middle of very fun or busy times, step back and just listen for a minute or two. Let everything happen around you. It will give your body time to take a breather and you might see that you don't have to try so hard to achieve the same affect. You could find an easier rhythm for yourself, with these simple internal breaks for recharging.


Spend time with your pet. Your blood pressure goes down when you stroke an animal's fur. Enjoy it.

How to Relax Your Body in Self Hypnosis

How to Relax Your Body in Self Hypnosis

Learning to relax your body is the first step in achieving the total focus and concentration necessary for successful self hypnosis. With practice, you will learn to let go of stress, relax your entire body and enter into an altered state of mind where many things are possible.


Settle into a comfortable chair in a quiet, uninterrupted place. Turn on some quiet, peaceful music if you like.


Close your eyes and relax for a few minutes, breathing deeply.


Concentrate on each area of your body one area at a time, beginning with the muscles around your eyes. Focus on relaxing the muscles for several seconds, as you continue to inhale and exhale deeply through your nose.


Move your concentration to your nose for several seconds, then to your jaw and chin, relaxing each muscle slowly.


Relax your shoulders, upper arms, forearms, hands and fingers.


Direct your attention back up to your chest area. Move your focus down your body slowly, relaxing your stomach, hips, thighs, knees, lower legs, feet and toes. Imagine your entire body being completely relaxed.

Tips & Warnings

Your self hypnosis session can be as long as you like, but 15 to 25 minutes spent practicing relaxation and self hypnosis techniques is very beneficial.

If you find it difficult to relax, keep practicing, and in time it will get easier. Use visualization techniques if you find them helpful. For example, imagine yourself laying on a warm beach or by a mountain stream.

How to Relax Using the Feather Method

How to Relax Using the Feather Method

The feather method is a way of relaxing that allows you to maintain your muscles in a relaxed state by focusing your mind on the feel and process of your breathing. Using an imaginary feather focuses your attention so your mind does not wander or cause you to tense.


Lie on your back in a relaxing position. Close your eyes.


Breathe normally. Focus your attention on the top of your head. Relax your scalp until you feel as if bone and muscle are "melting" into the floor. Once the scalp is relaxed, move your focus to your eyes. Continue to your nose, ears, mouth and chin. Move down the length of your body. Relax each area of the body before moving to the next area.


Imagine a feather is sitting right under your nose.


Breathe in slowly through your nose but be careful not to disturb the feather. Breathe in deeply and evenly while slowly expanding your diaphragm. Fill your stomach with air and then fill your chest with air.


Focus your attention strictly on the feel and process of your breathing.


Fill the stomach and chest cavities completely with air until you cannot breathe in any further.


Hold the air in your body for a few seconds.


Imagine the feather now sits on your upper lip.


Breathe out through your mouth, slowly and evenly. Be careful not to disturb the feather.


Repeat this process for approximately 15 minutes. Focus your attention only on the flow of breath into and out of your body.

How to Relax Tired Muscles

How to Relax Tired Muscles

Our society is constantly on a dead run and at times we find our muscles sore and tired. We try to find remedies to help with the sore muscles such as, hot baths, heating pads, and massage. hat if you could learn how to completely relax tired muscles without having to apply something to the body? It is possible to do this through relaxation techniques. Here's how.


Make sure you have turned off the phone, television, radio, and anything else that can cause distraction. Lie down on whatever you have chosen as a comfortable place.


Breathd in through the nose and out of the mouth 3 times. Work from your head down to each body part.


As you reach the body part you want to relax feel that body part becoming heavy, allow the muscles to let go of their normal posture. Continue to breathe normally. Tell yourself that your body is weightless and feel the tension leaving.


Repeat step 3 with each body part until you feel completely relaxed.

Tips & Warnings

This relaxation method is best used when you have more than 15 minutes to spare.

How to Relax In Five Minutes

How to Relax In Five Minutes

Relaxation has benefits that help you emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is the kindest five minutes you can give yourself. Follow these easy steps of relaxation techniques for a two-sided result; you can use it for a fast rejuvenation to get back to work or as a precursor to sleep. People have learned this technique from many sources but this one specifically comes from self-hypnosis therapist Dick Sutphen. Read on to learn more.

How To Relax In Five Minutes


You will mentally tell your body to relax one part at a time. Envision a relaxing power that can move throughout your body at your command. Internal dialogue plays an important role so "talk" to yourself silently as you move through the steps. Concentrate on each body part and should any outside thoughts some into your mind, simply brush them aside.


Begin by lying on your back in a comfortable position. Concentrate on your feet first. Tell the relaxing power to enter your feet, both feet at the same time. The relaxing sensation travels down your arches and into your heels. Tell the relaxing power to move to your lower legs, relaxing the calves as you go. It wraps around your knees and moves up into your upper legs and hips, relaxing every muscle as you go.


Now have the relaxing sensation move into both hands at the same time, relaxing your fingers and wrists as it goes. Have the relaxing power move into your forearms, elbows and upper arms. Travel slowly and methodically to each body part.


Center the relaxing sensation in your lower back now. Slowly, one vertebra at a time it moves up your back into your neck and shoulder area. Think of nothing except what you are doing at this exact moment. Push any outside thoughts out of your mind. Simply return to the sound of your own voice commanding the relaxing power to certain areas. You should be feeling quite relaxed at this point.


Send the relaxing sensation to your neck and shoulder area and tell your muscles that they are now loose and limp. Repeat it. Loose and limp.


The relaxing power now moves up the back of your head and to your scalp; relaxing your scalp. And it now drains down into your face, relaxing your facial muscles as it goes. Allow a little space between your teeth and your throat is relaxed.

You are now relaxed in every way, every part of your entire body. You can now sleep soundly or come out of it feeling refreshed and ready for your next task.

How to Relax Eye Muscles in Self Hypnosis

How to Relax Eye Muscles in Self Hypnosis

Once you learn the basic techniques of self hypnosis, your awareness can be directed to making changes in your life. Learning to relax every part of your body is the first step in successful self hypnosis. Because the eyes muscles are the easiest muscle group to relax, they are a great place to begin.


Prepare for your relaxation and self hypnosis session by locating a peaceful place where you won't be interrupted for several minutes.


Sit in a comfortable chair in a relaxed position. Put your hands in your lap or rest them on the arms of the chair. Don't cross your legs or feet.


Begin deep breathing exercises. Inhale deeply through your nose and feel your stomach muscles rise as your diaphragm fills like a balloon. Exhale slowly through your nose, focusing on deflating the balloon.


Close your eyes and concentrate completely on the muscles around your eyes. Tell yourself that you are in full charge of your eye muscles.


Imagine that your eye muscles are so relaxed and heavy, you can't open them. As you practice increasing your focus and you enter a state of self hypnosis, you'll actually find it difficult to open your eyes.


Practice relaxing your eye muscles for a few minutes, and then allow your eyes to slowly open. Continue to breathe deeply as you continue to relax the other muscle groups of your body.